"Itsy Bitsy Spider" (also known as "Incy Wincy Spider") is a popular English language nursery rhyme and fingerplay for children that describes the adventures of a spider as it ascends, descends, and reascends the downspout or "waterspout" of a gutter system.

Itsy Bitsy Spider Nursery Rhyme Lyrics:

The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again

Here are some more Nursery Rhyme Compilations from Mike and Mia:

1. One Two Buckle My Shoes Nursery Rhyme:

2. Wheels on the Bus – The most popular nursery rhyme on YouTube:

3. Five Little Ducks – The Counting Song:

4. Row Row Row Your Boat:

5. Little Miss Muffet:

6. Pat a Cake:

7. The Colors Song Collection:

8. The Phonics Song: ..

9. Ding Dong Bell Nursery rhyme with Action:

10. Three Little Kittens:

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